Saturday, August 29, 2015

Getting back into the swing of things

Hi! How are you?

Last time I posted to this was over a year ago. That's, like, two years too long.

I'm rectifying this. Right here. Right now.


So I'm doing away with the weekly thing that I promised a while ago. Instead, I'm gonna do short, sweet posts on random subjects whenever the Muse graces me with her presence.
Generally, though, the muses just sing Gospel music at me. Really loudly.
For example, take my next post with the serious first world problem every almost-adult has faced, which is gonna be uploaded, like, right now.

Consider this the first of many short, small little tidbits of my mind. I suspect no one will really read this, but that's okay. I am doing this mostly for myself. I do this to pretend like people care about me.

This is a meme, folks. I use them a lot around here.
That's all for now. Be sure to stick around for later updates, which will come haphazardly. Signing off:
Malachi A. Gonzalez

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