No, seriously, this blog will be a lot of fun. Here I will do a couple of things. I shall chronicle my week (in a quik 'weekly round-up') on Saturdays), write reviews of places I go and narratives of things I do, and sometimes write my own personal thoughts on fancy-shmancy politicking and matters of public interest. Because this is primarily a personal blog, however, I will make sure to label those rare posts as such and try to keep them off the main thread.
Feel free to comment, like, and subscribe, but the purpose of this blog is for me to grow as a writer, not get super famous and take over the world (though, now that I say it out loud, that sounds like a good idea). If you really enjoy my posts I will not stop you from reading them, but you won't catch me advertising for this blog, and I don't expect you to either.
Oh yeah. The world shall be mine!
Hope you like my posts!